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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Personal Training Day 1

I am alive. I am walking like I have something in my buttocks but I am alive. I decided to get a personal trainer because I need to be pushed to workout hard. I can motivate myself to workout, just not extremely hard. I lift once a week with my friend who has a trainer boyfriend, but that was just not enough. I got a good deal on PT because most people wait until January 1st when the training package prices are jacked up to accommodate everyone's New Year's skinny resolutions.
Anyway, I had my first session last night and woo. Sigh. This little nugget (a junior in college mind you) kicked my proverbial behind. Lunges, squats, jumps with weights, stair running. He said I did a great job for my first time, but I think he just felt bad for me because I was sweating like a pig. I wanted pushing, and I got pushed! I walked out of the gym practically limping, but smiling cause I made it through. I am super sore today, but thats just calories burning. Right?

I'll keep you posted on my personal training journey! 


  1. That is awesome! Good for you. I need a PT, my motivation varies from day to day :(

  2. Wohooo!!! You go girl!!! I can't wait to hear more!! :)

    God bless,


  3. Good luck! And I can't wait to hear and learn more. I need to get in shape really bad. Your journey will be super helpful. Lunges are the worst though. I totally understand.

  4. I love the soreness that comes with a new exercise routine - it really makes me feel like I've worked.

    1. me too, I am having some difficulty walking but no pain, no gain right?!

  5. How awesome! I can't wait to hear more about this. I really need to get motivated myself!

  6. i've been telling myself for a while i need to invest in a PT. haven't went ahead and bit the bullet yet. good luck and can't wait to hear more :)

    1. I got a good deal-if you want to do it, do it BEFORE everyone goes fitness crazy at the start of the New Year!

  7. That is huge! I want a personal trainer. Maybe one day... Way to be healthy!

  8. I think a personal trainer is a great way to motivate yourself. I think it might be a good idea to get one myself just to start in the right direction. I never know what to do with weights, i'm more of a yoga person. Good luck on keeping it up, a great idea to start before the new year.


Thanks so much for commenting! I read every one! Stay well and xoxo, Mer In America