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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Suja and Other News...

Hi All! Thanks for all of your recommendations about the ads...I did switch to Adproval so I can continue to swap for free. Just click on my Sponsor page to swap or buy an ad! I had a question about it and Matthew, the guy behind Adproval, I presume, emailed me right away and we got the problem solved. Now that is good customer service!

      I also wanted to share that I tried Suja juice for the first time today! Multiple people have talked about this juice that is supposed to be very healthy for you. You can also use Suja for cleanses. They sell it at Whole Foods near me now, so I picked up 3 bottles to try it out. I only tried the "Purify" one and it tasted pretty nasty, but its pure fruits and vegetables that are cold pressed...which means none of the nutrients were taken away from processing. Each bottle is $8.99, which is a pretty penny for a juice that doesn't taste good, but I am hoping the other two flavors taste better! Hope everyone had a great long weekend! * These are my own personal opinions about this product. I was not given the product for a critique.


  1. I tried these juices over the summer - they weren't for me to say the least! Vanilla cloud was the only one I would sorta, kinda, maybe consider buying again (ah hell...who am I kidding. $9 for juice? Nope.)

  2. i did the 3 day cleanse, it's mu first post ever! i hated purify and fiji. too much celery! but green supreme is soooo good! i also loved Fuel. vanilla cloud was ok, and (not on the cleanse) Spark is good too!
    here's my cleanse if you're interested http://www.petiteramblings.com/2013/06/suja-juice-cleanse.html


Thanks so much for commenting! I read every one! Stay well and xoxo, Mer In America